Sacrificing Anodes (M/B ''Gerris Molaris II'')

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Georg Weinstabl
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Sacrificing Anodes (M/B ''Gerris Molaris II'')

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Dear All,

From Gerd Mahlzahn, we have received very valuable information regarding the Sacrificing anodes and their materials.
Unfortunately all in German and not available in English, but worthwhile to have it translated as he is approaching with
the subject very scientific.

Best regards
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Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Re: Sacrificing Anodes (M/B ''Gerris Molaris II'')

Post by Eduard »

Good document
1 how is the wiring in the inside of the boat between the anodes and the body of the boat?
2 what should one do on a long trip where sweet and salt water is met. (Danube - Delta - Black Sea. Bosporus Adria) have extra anodes in the lugage?
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: Sacrificing Anodes (M/B ''Gerris Molaris II'')

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

ad 2. I do not think that anodes would erode so quickly. Besides this our boats are not made for long voyages either.
ad 1. Regarding the electric connection of the anodes I can make you some photos, how we solved the problem. I assume the all leakages were lead via cables to the big Magnesium-Alloy anodes. The ones installed on the wings are not cabled. You may also have a look in the gallery, where you can see an original boat taken photos of for reference.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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