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GAZ 53L Carburator & Revlimiter Connections
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:42 am
by Georg Weinstabl
From what you can see, we are more or less finished with the engine but still need to make the correct connections. The spares we have installed, however the company to provide the spares or the manufacturer has not given on his packing any idea about the connection of the carburator and the rev limiter. The revlimiter is having a single output

- Revlimiter below the Fresh Water Pump / Above Crankshaft output
and produces a vacuum which should be connected to the carburator. Our new (and old) carburator has two connections where this vacuum pipe or hose could be connected.

- Diaphragm of the carburator (There are two connections)
Which one is the right one?
What is the other connection good for? Anything to connect over there?
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Re: GAZ 53L Carburator & Revlimiter Connections
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:53 pm
by christian tabakoff
Hallo "Flying Carpet" captain George,
the pic of the carburator is not very good. put pis from all 4 sides of the engine! Normally the GAZ 53 has a K 88 2 barrel carburator it is the same as on the ZIL 6,0Liter or Ural 7,0 Lt. engines!!!
Normally from the carburator there is one copper pipe to the rev limiter, from Rev limiter there goes another copper pipe to the diaphragm mechanism .
here I see 2 bores for pipes on the diaphragm???
what carburator did you get?? any name Number ?
It must be some newer variation of the classic carb. K88.
By the way all gaz trucks run even on the road WITHOUT rev limiters!! All are bypassed or plugged.
At sea you have a hand gas not a foot throttle pedal, so you do not need the rev limiter at all. My two cents: just put plugs at the bores of the carb and the rew limiter , thats all!
Put a Drehzahlmesser on the dash. mark 2600-3000 revs as green - optimal engine speed for flying, 3000-3500 yellow and above 3500-4000 redline. do not run the engine above 4000 -1 min. or at your own risk.
If my mechanic had build the engine I could go up to 6000-1 min but it is a blue print engine that has very little in common with the core engine. Pistons/custom made by a guy who makes pistons fore F1 Boats E500,- a piece/, con rods and crankshaft are balanced and the crankshaft + flywheel are with reduced weight. All surfaces have to be polished, head job...
As to the ignition I must check next week as all mechanics are watching football now and do not want to be bothered.
on the pic you have + and mass the, third pole is normally the " commanding line/wire". this ignition is new to me too.
till next week.
great game Germany - Argentina, 4-0!!! now all Germany they will play the song of "Evita"...
Re: GAZ 53L Carburator & Revlimiter Connections
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:19 pm
by Georg Weinstabl
Thanks for your quick reply. I will keep the revs allways under 3.200 rpm I think. First of all I have now all liners and pistons new and also the bearings have changed. I shall probably have atleast my first 10 hours below 2000 rpm anyway as otherwise parts will be stressed like in a new engine. I more or less will not need the revlimiter for the next 2 - 3 weeks anyway. So we would have some time still. We already instructed the supplier to bring us the relevant information.
Re: GAZ 53L Carburator & Revlimiter Connections
Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:39 am
by christian tabakoff
Hi Georg,
best solution is that the supplier shall give you a scheme of the rev limiter and specially of the delco and commutator.
I do not have such electric wiring diagrams as then I sold my gaz 66 I sold it with all booklets and tech manuals, I did not expect to need them any more. For the moment even here Russian cars and trucks are becoming a rarity and the electricians that have serviced them are retired or gone...
I am not sure that the transistor ignition and the other metal box belong together? The supplier should send you a wiring diagram, I can not find one here.
After running the engine for 10 H change the oil for the first time and the oil filter too.