Volga 70 - Molnia Enquiry

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Volga 70 - Molnia Enquiry

Post by laconta »

I would like to pose a query

Last year I came across 2 small hydrofoil craft in the Crimean region of Ukraine where I operate a Hostel/Guesthouse each summer season. I have delivered racing yachts across the Pacific and Caribbean and owned ski boats when I was living in Australia, so as a boating enthusiast I was intrigued by these unusual craft.

By perusing your site I have identified one as a Volga 70 (with a stern drive leg) and the other as an earlier Molnia craft (with a V-drive propeller shaft)

I am considering purchasing one or the other as a restoration/rebuild project but have absolutely no idea of the value of such an oddity so I am asking for a ballpark figure perhaps?

The boats are in very similar condition:

Both boats are structurally sound.
Both boats are on blocks and obviously have not seen use in sometime.
Both will require all controls to be replaced.
Both will require all interior trim to be replaced.
Both will require to be electrically re-wired.
Both windscreens are in good condition.
Both have their instrument panels intact and in good condition.
Neither has a serviceable trailer.
Both will require a replacement or rebuilt engine plant.
The Volga 70 stern drive will require an overhaul I imagine, but then so will the Molnia's V-drive gearbox.

Thus basically the hull and fascias are sound and the rest will need replacing!

I lean toward the Molnia only because of the ease of working on a V-drive over a stern drive (I have owned both on various ski boats)
and I fail to see the trim benefits of the stern drive unit on a hydrofoil?

Lastly, another query....Has anybody considered (or in fact transplanted) an outboard drive to a Volga 70?
I have access to a 150hp Mercury outboard which with a little cutting and welding could be positioned low on the transom to reduce the centre or gravity and maintain the necessary propeller depth.

Would you consider this feasible from a technical point of view?
Please note that I am not trying to restore either boat to factory or 'show' spec but looking to have a serviceable but unusual runabout pleasure boat in which I can also take guests out for summer boat trips around Sevastopol and Yalta.

Many thanks for your time and consideration

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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: Volga 70 - Molnia Enquiry

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Hi Adam,

The Molnia and Volgas are a russian equivalent to Italian Riva boats. Some of these boats were not only used by hi-ranking Soviet and other Warshow Pact politicians, but also exported to Western countries. Among the users you may find Brejniev, Nixon, Fidel Castro and many more... Off corse such big production was not only for them and the boats were used for Police, coast guard, Touristic and Taxi services.
The designer of those boats, Dr. R. Alexeev, has won an international award with them and later even designed the legendary Caspain Monster.

Your proposal of making some modifications on the hull with cutting and welding and fitting of a outboard engine sounds probably to us like
''Fitting a tractor diesel engine into a 1940 Rolls-Royce Phantom!''

Please don't do this! I would suggest you to send us photos of the boats so that we can assist you in making them seaworthy again.
Depending on your budget and (good)will there are many alternatives to consider also with re-enginings and refurnishings, that will
keep the value of this remarkable boat.

Best regards & welcome to our community,
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Re: Volga 70 - Molnia Enquiry

Post by Volga70 »

Hi Adam,

The Volga had some design improvements over the Molnia, making it more stable. For the rest, if both boats are in equal condition, I guess the main decision is which model you like the best. I think the V drive looks better than the stern drive (z-drive), and also the more slender look of the Molnia and the older Volga's, but opinions differ...

As for price: it sounds like there is still a lot of work to be done on the boats. You can compare prices on websites where they sell boats (try Russian sites!), but I guess for a boat in this condition you should not pay more than $ 2500 - $ 5000.

And an outboard engine on a Volga? Ouch! That reminds me of a Volga that I once saw. I was looking for a Volga to buy, and ended up at some carshop. Next to the garage there was a completely stripped Volga, with all parts dumped into the engine compartment, and with a big piece of the stern cut out. Turned out they wanted to put an outboard engine onto the Volga, like you are describing. They never finished the project because, as far as I could understand, because it was much more work to to make the stern strong enough to withstand the forces of the engine, and to make everything look good in the end. I think in the end they wished they never decided to try it like this.
Made some pictures of that boat (on an early camera-phone). Hurts to look at it... :cry:
stern.png (114.75 KiB) Viewed 24101 times
stern2.png (126.33 KiB) Viewed 24101 times
Hope my comments are still relevant... and if you already bought the Volga or Molnia, then welcome to the club and please upload some pictures!

Kind regards,

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