Almost out of paint booth!

How did you find your boat? What are your experiences with it? Did you restore it yourself? Pictures please!
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Almost out of paint booth!

Post by pitts12driver »

2 more weeks, and I will have it back in the shop for final assembly. The main colors and striping are on, and we are finishing the graphics. The interior was done by a famous car designer, and looks amazing. I just hope that after all this work, it is water tight! The boat was a complete disaster when we got it from Latvia, and it has taken way longer than anticipated to finish up. That said, it is going to be a gem.

I do have a question. I have re-powered the boat with an American V-8 set up to mate to the Volvo outdrive. I have no idea where to start with propeller selection (diameter/pitch). All ideas welcomed.

Volga Vintage Racer Starboard.jpg
Volga Vintage Racer Starboard.jpg (30.43 KiB) Viewed 19925 times
Volga Vintage Racer Deck.jpg
Volga Vintage Racer Deck.jpg (36.49 KiB) Viewed 19925 times
christian tabakoff
Posts: 30
Joined: Thu May 06, 2010 9:26 am

Re: Almost out of paint booth!

Post by christian tabakoff »

Hi Adam,
Your Boat looks great as a design.
I am curious how it will turn out in reality.
Post pics.

As to the engine - prop combination, pls post some data of the engine like a dynochart or at least Max. HP and Torque at given Rpm.
Than one could form a notion and try to give some recommendations.
The Volga was designed to reach 32 knots as cruising speed. anything above this is just peak speed for a brief moment at calm sea and you will need additional
foils if you should ever plan to speed above 40knts./ acc. to Russian Volga sites and Holland sites too./
Go to the engine section of the forum.
Very good posts by different members.
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