AutoCad Drawings for interior

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Georg Weinstabl
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AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Hi everybody,

I am just working on the renewal of the interior designing on AutoCad. How could it look like and how could it be improved.
We all have a space problem on our Volgas and who-ever designed them did not particularly think about esthetics nor about
multi-functionality or convertibility. Here is the Turkish Suggestion for somekind of boat, that can be converted from a 4-seater
with big hatch into a 6 seater with 1/2 Hatch.
Cruising only with own family! But with a hatch filled with food + beverages.
Cruising only with own family! But with a hatch filled with food + beverages.
Volga-interior-closed.JPG (26.32 KiB) Viewed 69713 times
Cruising with granties (mother + parents in law! Seats are retracted! (no beerverages ;-)))
Cruising with granties (mother + parents in law! Seats are retracted! (no beerverages ;-)))
Volga-interior.JPG (37.81 KiB) Viewed 69713 times
Don't miss the sexy streamlined chairs! The seats are detachable and the box console can contain for whatever small belongings.
Their back is having an inclined step board to rest the feet of the 2nd row passengers. The detachable seats can be inserted
in the other way round, which may enable the passengers to sit face-to-face. That''s simply what we call a ''Turkish Delight''!
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »


Some more sights of an amateur on AutoCad ... with a promise that more will be coming ...

best regards,
This is a preview from the above sight.
This is a preview from the above sight.
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Back of the pool soon be coming!
The hatches are here retracted creating the bench for the back.
The hatches are here retracted creating the bench for the back.
Fixing of them will be made by means of woode girders fixed with stainless steel flanges.
Fixing of them will be made by means of woode girders fixed with stainless steel flanges.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

The original place for the batteries was used. However, we use two batteries and place on a wooden plate. The cover shall have non visible hinges.
The original place for the batteries was used. However, we use two batteries and place on a wooden plate. The cover shall have non visible hinges.
The original aluminium side plates will be used again with their fixing bolts. The covers here are still the old ones for trying and fitting.
The original aluminium side plates will be used again with their fixing bolts. The covers here are still the old ones for trying and fitting.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

The console for the seats
from the back
from the back
From the side
From the side
From the side again
From the side again
internal of the basis
internal of the basis
The small table is not only the cover of the console, it can be turned 180 degrees and then when the seats are fixed, you can sit vice versa when turning it around.
The small table is not only the cover of the console, it can be turned 180 degrees and then when the seats are fixed, you can sit vice versa when turning it around.
The side panels have been attached, the chrome/aluminium decoration is still missing. There will be also a low wooden frame with lamps for the floor lights.
The side panels have been attached, the chrome/aluminium decoration is still missing. There will be also a low wooden frame with lamps for the floor lights.
The floor plates were already shown in rounded top - wooden deck.
The floor plates were already shown in rounded top - wooden deck.
This is the last status with glued for and aft parts, and the side covered with 4 mm mahagony wood. It is still not varnished. The stripes go hand-in-hand with the stripes of the plates below.
This is the last status with glued for and aft parts, and the side covered with 4 mm mahagony wood. It is still not varnished. The stripes go hand-in-hand with the stripes of the plates below.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Here comes the unfinished dashboard.
On this we will glue foam and artificial Leather.
On this we will glue foam and artificial Leather.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Instrumenting the dashboard:
Still leather and chrome stuff missing
Still leather and chrome stuff missing
Dashboard's lower right instrumentation panel is being shaped.
Dashboard's lower right instrumentation panel is being shaped.
Dashboard premounted
Dashboard premounted
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Volga70 »

Wow.... that dash looks damn good! How is it coming along now? More pics, please! :-)
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

When looking at the dashboard, you may see that gauges had deviations of up to 5 mm on the right. What other people may not see disturbs the owner or creator of it. So I had to rectify it, by cutting both portside gauge pipes out and reglue them in again. Wooden sticks and other pieces had to keep the glued gauge-pipes placed properly in line until the glue dries and stiffens. We also had now chance after installing the steering wheel to determine the place of the seventh gauge.
boring the 7th hole.
boring the 7th hole.
The earlier try to place the seventh gauge next to the portside gauges was disturbing the symetry, we therefor decided to obey the rule to give it the same distance to the steering wheel on the left side.
A hole next to right gauge shows, that the symetry was disturbed.
A hole next to right gauge shows, that the symetry was disturbed.
The side panels of the dashboard are not finished yet and we still have to shape them. Parts of the steering wheel installed it will make you guess what it shall look like.
Side boards not yet shaped.
Side boards not yet shaped.
To be honest, the idea was infact anyway stolen from a dutch boat ''Sylvestris'' however with some own technology and refinements made by my own. The original can be seen here:
Also here you can see them fighting with the symetry of the dashboard gauges.
Also here you can see them fighting with the symetry of the dashboard gauges.
Also here you can see the tubes for the gauges. I just picked up the idea.
Also here you can see the tubes for the gauges. I just picked up the idea.
Sylvestris boat has very nice features and one of them is that it is having seats infor of hatches, that close the complete boat. A real gadget, you can also see in their internet site. (However, not seing any kind of rubber seals or gaskets I doubt that it is rain-proof.)

Another dashboard that was cool to copy is here shown: The stunning view of an - I m p a l a - ! This was the time when the US declared they will explore the space and the galaxy in the sixties. I think after the Sputnik shock, they prefered to build space-age-like automobiles first ... and the outbreeds of this industry was indeed brilliant!
60 Chevy Impala Dashboard
60 Chevy Impala Dashboard
So why not bastardize Sylvestris dashboard with the Impala one? The jet-like gauges give a nice touch reminding of the jets on the head of Uncle Rastislav's Caspian See Monster.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »


1. tight connection
2. quick assembly
3. non-disturbing estethics
4. easy use, simple design
5. preventing noise and vibration
6. snap-on design
Both parts connect the basis and the floor. (Photos to follow)
Both parts connect the basis and the floor. (Photos to follow)
The material for the screwing connections is stainless steel. The intermediate element is of ''Derlin'', a semi elastic buffering (light blue) element, preventing noise and vibrations...

The anchorage is glued into the plywood and secure screws are inserted to make sure nothing moves.

Four of those connections make sure that nothing moves and everything is tightly attached.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Here we go...
Machined pieces
Machined pieces
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

The seats were always an obstacle to me. Although the russian originals have not been too uncomfortable, I wanted from the beginning something else. I had to combine comfort, design and light. The Russian Volga builders failed with the second two. However before blaiming them now I need to confess, that my desire for design must have already added atleast 100-200 kilos on the boat and when taking under consideration this extra weight and its impact on performance, I hope not prove the russian lightweighting as correct approach. Whatever - you only have one ass and you want your ass to be comfortable. Don't you?

I found in a shop something to suit my own design. It's a ready chair and only needs some facelifting to become the shape of what I wanted.
Chair front
Chair front
Once sitting in it I new it was designed for my narrow ass and probably will disqualify some hypos I call relatives or friends. Rather having a heavy chair than a heavy guest?
Indeed! It requires a narrow gear to take place in one of those!
Indeed! It requires a narrow gear to take place in one of those!
We will add length and height. Also the covering cloth / leather will be exchanged.
Still small enough, this seat needs some changes!
Still small enough, this seat needs some changes!
The naked model looked like this and also requested prolonging of the sitting part.
The naked model looked like this and also requested prolonging of the sitting part.
But it has a very fine advantage you sit really comfortable even though the chair is not high. We measured 45 cm. But why take a small chair? Our Volgas themselves are not high. Adding a high chair will make the boat look small and disturb the design.
A top of stainless steel pipe with a small pillowroll is still to be done when furnishing the seat with artificial leather.
A top of stainless steel pipe with a small pillowroll is still to be done when furnishing the seat with artificial leather.
IMG0051A.jpg (16.61 KiB) Viewed 68093 times
This is the raw welded stainless steel piping to hold the rest pillow. It probably only immitates a seat with neck rest but tries to show the seat bigger than it is making the boat larger than it is..
This is the raw welded stainless steel piping to hold the rest pillow. It probably only immitates a seat with neck rest but tries to show the seat bigger than it is making the boat larger than it is..
IMG0047A.jpg (17.06 KiB) Viewed 68093 times
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: AutoCad Drawings for interior

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Here are the changes on the cockpit side with fitting the tubes on them:
A guiding bush had to be made for fitting the tubes.
A guiding bush had to be made for fitting the tubes.
IMG0041A.jpg (18.21 KiB) Viewed 68093 times
The tubes had to be machined according to the dashboard (this took a week for the guy doing it!)
The tubes had to be machined according to the dashboard (this took a week for the guy doing it!)
IMG0054A.jpg (22.02 KiB) Viewed 68093 times
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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