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Spare parts

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 5:22 pm
by markboom
Hi there,

Together with a couple of Dutch enthousiast people we are restoring 6 Volgas
I will give my webadress and upload a nice story written in IHS International Hydrofoil Society.

The question is: We need a lot of spare parts. All kinds. Does anybody have spare parts left or a boat that he or she wil not restore?
We need all we can get for our big journey. From Amsterdam to Istanbul over the river Donau.

Let me know!

My webadress is

Re: Spare parts

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:13 am
by olaf
Hi Mark,

it´s a good story. I already found your blog on worldpress and now I´m glad to see the project going on. You have an amount of work to do :) . I know what I say. My project is also goin on, but a little bit more slow than I hope before beginning it. You can see my project in german boat forum.
I documented it there, because in that time I was not able to post here pictures.

But that´s not the theme. I understand, you and your friends have 6 volgas in restauration? I have some little spare parts you can get if you need it.
the biggest thing is a engine bonnet.
Motorhaube.JPG (16.41 KiB) Viewed 25661 times
And then there are only small parts. Some mounts for throttle pedal or steering deflexions with support. Unfortunatly I don´t have more parts. My boat is nearly naked :D
This boat in Germany is also for sale I think if you need rear wings. ... f=4&t=2553 -->I saw it last year. The hull is in a good shape, but there are also only little parts.

Let me know, if you need something and good luck...


Re: Spare parts

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:04 pm
by Mark
Thanks for the response!!
One of us il looking for a engine cover!
I well call him . (if T-mobile fix their mobile phone now)


Re: Spare parts

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:06 pm
by jWs
Hi Mark!

What engine are you planning on installing? I'm changing my GAZ53 out for an American V8 and in the same project I'm probably going to remove the original planetary gear and V-gear and replacing them with a ZF63IV as discussed in some other posts. The reason for doing this is reliability, even though it does not feel like a decent thing to do. (The GAZ53 will need an overhaul the gearboxes are ok).

So if you will find yourself in need of a GAZ + gearboxes I could help out.



Re: Spare parts

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:54 am
by Mark
Hello Jouko,

I will install a Mercedes OM 603 engine.
Its a 3L turbo diesel,currently it is at for a watercooled exhaust manifold.

Plan is that it will also fit at a OM 606 engine.
I overhauled the URRP-25 V-drive/gearbox. ... f=1&t=1204
The Om603 is about the same weight as the original engine,300KG.
Power/torque is also enough.
It is more the small thing we looking for,dek fitting enz..

