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x-mas tree

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:00 pm
by Georg Weinstabl

When I received my Volga from Georgia, I found two empty housings there, where once has been horns.
empty housings!
empty housings!
The design was very pure: two flat cylinders, very clean and very sobber. When looking at the earlier versions these had been more detailed. I do not want to say the earliers looked better, but I needed something like a horn and I did not want to have the typical flutes or sirenes that are installed on most runabouts.

So I made my way to a shop and purchased the typical US car horn of the 50ties and 60ties sold here as ''Chat-Chat''.

The design is a simple horn not very unlike the horizontal russian original however needed vertical installation. Against the odds I decided to turn this into a horizontal one, which required a special construction to be made.
White are purchased horns, red is the stainless steel construction for them.
White are purchased horns, red is the stainless steel construction for them.
Having done this I decided to go for the ''ship-like'' x-mas tree, which combines functions of visual and audible signs. What came out of this is nothing new ... it has been made on many runabouts before, but maybe is only another version of it.
back/side view
back/side view
Workshop's cat seemed to have liked it, too!
Workshop's cat seemed to have liked it, too!

Re: x-mas tree

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:13 pm
by Georg Weinstabl
Here are some more photos evidencing the slow progress we make on the boat.
IMG0007A.jpg (30.96 KiB) Viewed 44041 times
Front side view
Front side view
IMG0006A.jpg (25.5 KiB) Viewed 44041 times

Re: x-mas tree

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:52 am
by Georg Weinstabl
There was no progress here for a longer time, as I was looking for suitable lamp.The search for a suitable marine projector was in vain. Most design were white, square, too big or too ugly. I found this projector from a 50 cc Mojito and it is plastic chrome coated. I assume that it will not rust atleast.
with mounted lamp
with mounted lamp
from side
from side

Re: x-mas tree

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:12 am
by Mark
I like the bottle of beer on the dash!
Ow and like the tree as well..
If u don't mind I'll copy it,but instead of the flagpole a VHF antenna.

Kind regards,

Re: x-mas tree

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:33 am
by Georg Weinstabl
when you copy this please with beer bottle! i can provide you with autocad drawings and with the equipment list.

Re: x-mas tree

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:13 pm
by Mark
If u will! yess plz!

I have send u a email through the forum.
The bottle pic will come!


Re: x-mas tree

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:41 am
by Georg Weinstabl
Dear Mark,

Did you receive your drawing?

Re: x-mas tree

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:06 pm
by Mark
Hay Georg,

I received your original drawing.
In your second mail you wrote that if i was not in a hurry,
You where able to make a better drawing?

I replied to that one..
Checked it... was replied to the forum admin..
gonna do it again..
