Saddam's space rockets

How did you find your boat? What are your experiences with it? Did you restore it yourself? Pictures please!
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Georg Weinstabl
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Saddam's space rockets

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

What will come now is insane and absolutely ... silly! Curious?
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: Saddam's space rockets

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Imagine, every engine has a rev counter. There are typical mechanic ones, that are driven via a push pull cable or there are electrical ones, that are either having a magnetic pick-up from flywheel or via mechanical drive. There is however also the possibility to pick-up the rpm from the electronic ignition of the engine. I take the magnetic pick-up, that gives a signal via a cable to the tachometer.

Instead of only using this cable output, I will also have another output, that leads to a chip. The chip converts the signal and gives an output to a chain of LED lights positioned in a circle. The iddle engine running will slowly effect the LED lights running in the circle like our christmas lights. (Merry Christmas). The more you rev-up the engine the faster will run the light in the circle.

The LED lights will be positioned in a rocket or jet shaped plexiglas at the rear of the wing. The wing is shaped like the old Volga wing with some small changes and there will be a mounted rocket or jet on each side.

The jet thruster shape was so unfamiliar to the workshop to produce it, that they of corse questioned the use of it. I had to explain them that we are working on secret weapon. Soon the whole project got the name of ''Saddam's Space Rockets''. Due to the fact, that the workshop machined-down the aluminium mill for one part too much we had to change the rockets into jets.

Drawings and photos will follow...
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: Saddam's space jets

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

The old space rocket ...
Wrong machining urged me to change design
Wrong machining urged me to change design
Wings reshaped.JPG (21.89 KiB) Viewed 59923 times
had to be changed to a space jet
New space jets with air inlet
New space jets with air inlet
Space Jets.JPG (43.47 KiB) Viewed 59923 times
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Re: Saddam's space rockets

Post by Volga70 »

Wooowheee!! Wild!! :D

Alekseev would have been proud! :wink:
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: Saddam's space rockets

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Yessss, it's true!!! The probably most silly invention mankind has outthought is going into production! This is done solely due to my admiration to Harley Earl & 2. Virgil Exner. Both were the designers of cars in the 50ties and 60ties, which added jet/spaceage designs in the cars they designed. The cars had wings/fins, jets rockets planes and anything else that was never seen before or after in the automotive industry.
The winged from the Volga was changed.
The winged from the Volga was changed.
Mounted Plasma Jets. (Saddam's space rockets).JPG (45.15 KiB) Viewed 59582 times
Large air intakes guarantees a fierce function of these jets, I suppose?
Maybe I can also add some space sounds to it? Does anybody has a suggestion for this?
Machining of the jet bullet on the lath.
Machining of the jet bullet on the lath.
The intakes have been machined out of a aluminium hollow shaft. I will try to add a plastic computer fan and a small ilumination to imitate some kind of jet function inside the housing. With all scrap consisting of a mounted aluminium housing, lights, electronics and movements I am more-or-less sure to find some victims I can tell stories about a miraculous russian invention of a Plasma-Jet-Propulsion of the 1960ties which was tried onboard this boat.
The intakes have been machined out of a aluminium hollow shaft. I will try to add a plastic computer fan and a small ilumination to imitate some kind of jet function inside the housing. With all scrap consisting of a mounted aluminium housing, lights, electronics and movements I am more-or-less sure to find some victims I can tell stories about a miraculous russian invention of a Plasma-Jet-Propulsion of the 1960ties which was tried onboard this boat.
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: Saddam's space rockets

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Front parts of the jet-rockets have been welded and are ready for the lath.
The front part with the inlet wings below
The front part with the inlet wings below
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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Georg Weinstabl
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Re: Saddam's space rockets

Post by Georg Weinstabl »

Premachined rockets
IMG0037A.jpg (19.79 KiB) Viewed 59371 times
Motorboat ''Flying Carpet''
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